Königssee (King's Lake)
The lovely Bavarian lake of Königssee is one of the great beauty spots of the region of Germany referred to as Berchtesgadener Land. Also known as the King's Lake, this area near Salzburg is a hiking (and biking) paradise thanks to its vast network of trails.
One of the most popular things to do is follow the attractive footpath located along the east side of the Königssee to the Malerwinkel, or Painters' Corner, notable for its superb views over the lake and the surrounding mountains.
Another equally attractive sightseeing option is taking a boat trip to the 17th-century Pilgrimage Chapel of St. Bartholomew, at the south end of the lake, and to walk from here to the Obersee. Berchtesgaden, at the end of the Deutsche Alpenstrasse, is perhaps the best-known tourist town and one of the most popular mountain resorts in the Bavarian Alps.
Also of note here is Berchtesgaden National Park, a place of outstanding natural beauty that has, since 1990, been designated a UNESCO Word Heritage Site.
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